Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lets Dance

consultancy for 
diverse clients -» 

wedding planning df management 



Maggie Daniels and Carrie Loveless 


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Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier 

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Daniels, Maggie, 1969- 

Weddlng planning and management : consultancy for diverse clients / 
authors, Maggie Daniels, Carrie Loveless, 
p. cm. 

Includes index. 

ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-8233-6 

ISBN-10: 0-7506-8233-7 

1. Wedding supplies and services industry. 2. Wedding supplies and 
services industry— Management. 3. Weddings— Planning. 4. Consultants. 
. Loveless, Carrie, II. Title. 

HD9999.W372D36 2007 



British Library Cataloguing-ln-Publlcation Data 

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ELSEVIER f°?^,f^]S, Sabre Foundation 

we dedicate this book to brides 
and grooms around the world. 



list of case studies 
list of figures xv 
list of tables xvi 
preface xix 
about the authors xxn 
about the photographer 



section one 

^ foundations 

1 Role and Scope of Wedding Consultancy 3 

Titles, packages and roles 5 

The organization of the book 11 

References 13 

2 Weddings, Culture, and Religion 17 

Socialization for marriage 18 

Mate selection 19 

Pre-wedding rituals 21 

Wedding customs 24 

Changes in identity due to marriage 27 

References 28 

3 History and Hegemony 33 

What is hegemony? 34 

Hegemony and marriage 34 

Hegemony and weddings 35 

A balance of power 40 

References 42 

4 The Mediated Construction of Weddings 45 

Invented traditions 45 

Celebrity weddings 48 

Portrayal of weddings in film 49 

Reality television 52 

The internet 52 

References 54 

5 The Changing Family, Politics, and Law 57 

Female workforce dynamics 58 

The missing male 60 

Cohabitation and divorce 61 

Same-sex relationships and unions 64 

Intercultural and interfaith marriages 65 

References 69 

6 Weddings and Consumerism 73 

The urge to consume 74 

The quest for perfection 77 

Sponsored weddings and associated expections 79 

Planning anticonsumptive and conservationist weddings 80 

References 83 

7 Tourism and Destination Weddings 87 

Visiting friends and relatives tourism 88 

Honeymoon travel 91 

Destination weddings 94 

References 97 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

the first day of fall

Tomorrow is the first day of fall, even if it doesn't feel like it outside just yet. While we're happy about the extended summer weather, we all know it will soon come to an end. For those of us with children born in the fall and winter months, we're often charged with the task of finding cool ways to celebrate our little ones birthdays indoors. For the first few years, I had my party concepts mapped out far in advance. Now my Go-2-Girl's sixth birthday is nearly two months away, and I'm still trying to decide whether we're doing a party or just taking her out for family fun. In any case, I've come across a few places that are currently on the consideration list. I figured I'd share a few with those of you who may be looking as well. Since she's turning six, it's only right I provide six ideas.
 If you're looking for somewhere to host a party where all the kids can run, jump and play, trampoline for adults in egypt just might be the place for you. Your semi-private party can include activities like jumping in the foam pit, bouncing on the trampoline or taking on the 60 foot inflatable obstacle course. They even offer add on options like a basketball challenge or zip lining. We haven't been there just yet, but are attending a party next weekend and can't wait. trampoline for adults in egypt
These are just a few of the places I've either been to, heard of or came across in my recent search for indoor party options. I'd love to know if any of you have hosted parties at any of the places on the list. Also, if you have more recommendations for kids birthdays in Cairo feel free to share. I have until November to decide what we'll do or where we'll go, and could use all the help I can get.
Check them now at

Saturday, May 13, 2017

‫مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها‬‎

مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها مراكز التجميل فى مصر واسعارها مراكز ا...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Plastic Surgery Egypt

عمليات التجميل فى مصر جراحة التجميل هي الجراحات التي تجرى لأغراض وظيفية أو جمالية، هي بالمفهوم البسيط استعادة التناسق والتوازن لجزء من أجزاء الجسم عن طريق أستعادة مقاييس الجمال المناسبة لهذا الجزء. أصل كلمة Plastic أتت من الكلمة اليونانية plastikos وهي فعل ” يقولب “أو ” يشكل ” وبالتالي فهي لا تمت بصلة إلى مادة البلاستيك كما قد يتبادر إلى أذهان البعض. قد يبدو للبعض خطاءً بأن جراحة التجميل هي نوع من العمل السحري الذي يؤدي بزمن قصير، دون عناء أو مشقة ويحصل المريض على أفضل النتائج دون ألم ولا معاناة ولا ندب ؛ وهذا التصور لم يأتي من فراغ فالكتابات غير المسؤولة التي يكتبها البعض للترويج الشخصي لا تخلوا من مبالغة وتدليس وأحيانا حتى الكذب، ناهيك على اللقاءات عبر وسائل الإعلام المسموعة والمرئية والتي في بعض الأحيان تحوي على نفس المضامين من مبالغة وتدليس وكذب والهدف من ذلك لا يحتاج إلى متبحر في العلم لكي يدركه إلا وهو الشهرة الشخصية والمنفعة المادية والأنكى من هذا وذلك هو بعض البرامج الإذاعية أو التلفزيونية المنتجة أساساً للاستفادة المادية والتي تظهر المعجزات التي يمكن أن تنجز من خلال مبض